Wood Burning Stoves / Kalfire
Kalfire delivers a complete collection of closed woodfires in many sizes and designs. Our fireplaces are designed to create the ultimate wood fire experience and are built according to the latest state of the art.
Regardless the standard model: we offer the possibilities and options to tailor your fireplace to your personal style and taste.
Our woodfires are always customized to your taste. Kalfire offers latest-generation closed wood fires in a range of different models and sizes. Your choice starts with the selection of one of the four main base models: front model, corner model, three-sided model or double-sided tunnel model.
Kalfire closed wood fires operate independently of the air in the room. The closed system draws in fresh (often cold) air from the exterior and discharges the smoke through the flue. If you open the door of the fire to circulate warm air in the room, this patented built-in valve system automatically compensates the air supply so that the air pressure is always in balance.
Since 1981, they have been breaking new ground with innovative electric fireplaces and closed gas and wood-burning fires.
Kalfire fireplaces are available in five main types: front models, corner models, three-sided models, double-sided tunnel model and room-dividing model.